How to Become a Web Performance Sherlock Holmes

par Ludovic Lefebvre, édition 2023

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If you work in the world of web performance, you know that we can be confronted with complex problems. How do we speed up the experience of users with slow-loading pages, not speed up the browsing experience of those who already have the best display speed?

What if we used proven methods to solve them?
As the creator of the famous “Sherlock Holmes method”, we will see how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will help us explore a systematic diagnostic methodology applicable to web performance.

With this approach, you will be able to identify and solve technical problems with ease. Using real-world examples, you’ll learn how to collect data, analyze the results, and formulate a strategy to solve the problems.

Topics Covered:

If you need to design an optimization plan, or if you monitor your site’s performance on a daily basis for the slightest regression, this presentation is for you.

Ludovic Lefebvre

Presented in French by Ludovic Lefebvre Product Owner, Peaksys, Cdiscount

As a web performance enthusiast for more than 15 years, I have acquired a solid experience as a “perf coaching” team manager at Peaksys, technical subsidiary of Cdiscount, for several years. Today, as Product Owner of an innovative web performance and security solution, my mission is to provide innovative solutions to ensure a quality user experience and enhanced security.

Outside of my job, I am also passionate about mind mapping and electronic music composition.