The Top 10 Webperf Mistakes
(do not do this at home)

par Stéphane Rios, édition 2023

See the video (fr)

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and so is web performance. In more than 10 years spent optimizing sites, Stéphane Rios, founder and CEO of Fasterize, has seen a lot. And as it doesn’t only happen to others, he testifies about the pitfalls in which many sites have fallen and still fall: images, lazyload, sprites, defer, preload / preconnect, inlining, etc. … everything goes! All these actions were of course motivated by the desire to improve performance, but things did not go as planned. In short, applying good practices stupidly is not enough, you need a real intelligence (not artificial) to optimize a site.

Stéphane Rios

Presented in French by Stéphane Rios CEO, Fasterize

For 10 years, Stéphane RIOS was CTO of, leader and pioneer of French eCommerce. Obsessed with the excess byte and time wasting, he managed large technical teams while remaining a geek passionate about Lean, dev and highly available and performing web architectures.

He then created Fasterize, a startup that accelerates hundreds of ecommerce sites with its innovative cloud-based solutions. More recently, he launched his new toy, the EdgeSEO!

Webperf Expert, he has co-organized the Webperf Paris meetup and the We Love Speed event and regularly speaks on webperf and SEO topics.