Partnering around web performance
an SEO & Dev approach

par Valentine Jahan and Bastien Gatellier, édition 2021

Check the slides (fr) See the video (fr)

Web Perf meets multiple challenges (SEO, CSR, performance), which are often handled by teams with different expertise. This compartmentalization contributes to having only a partial understanding of the subject. Taking advantage of a common web performance audit opportunity for one of our clients, Fabernovel’s SEO and dev teams have initiated a global approach focused on web performance, under which these different expertises are grouped. This conference will be an opportunity to discuss the lessons we have learned from this collaboration through concrete examples.

Valentine Jahan

Presented in French by Valentine Jahan Senior SEO Specialist, Fabernovel

Valentine is a Senior SEO Specialist at FABERNOVEL since February 2019. With 8 years of experience in SEO, she provides strategic SEO advice and recommendations to both big accounts and start-ups. She works on all aspects of SEO (technical, structure, content, netlinking) and mobile, and has recently developed an interest in web performance. She has been responsible for major B2C accounts in the beauty and insurance sectors, but also in B2B. Previously, she worked at SENDINBLUE as an SEO Manager, RESONEO and PUBLICIS.Sapient.

Bastien Gatellier

Presented in French by Bastien Gatellier Agile Web Developer, Fabernovel

Web developer for 10 years, I joined Fabernovel 4 years ago as a Tech Lead. Fond of web performance, I work to raise awareness and bootstrap this topic on our customer projects. To this end, I contributed to the development of the open-source tool Heart, that automates the analysis of web pages through various online services (Lighthouse, Dareboost…).