Yes, boosting your Core Web Vitals improves your visibility on Google

par Nicolas Audemar, édition 2021

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Following Google’s announcement of its special web performance update SISTRIX engaged in measurements to track the performance of a representative sample of hundreds of thousands of sites. After 1 month of monitoring, there was almost no change. Then at the official end of the rollout, we found that sites with poor CWVs lost 3.7 percentage points less than the average. Those with good ones jumped one point (read more). During this presentation, we will provide explanations of the measurements and studies conducted, and take examples to show what went up or down at the sites.

Nicolas Audemar

Presented in French by Nicolas Audemar Country Manager France, SISTRIX

Nicolas, SEO expert and manager of SISTRIX France since its launch, has an intense passion for everything related to this discipline. Nicolas is attentive to the smallest details and knows how to decipher Google’s guidelines with virtuosity. He is always on the lookout for new information on the problems of website editors, which he freely shares with his clients so that they can optimize them themselves. Traveling between Paris, Toulouse and Barcelona where he lives, Nicolas knows how to find the means that will make your KPIs explode as well as your number of quality leads!