CDN and Performances: Cover the Fonts

par m4dz 🥑🦄, édition 2020

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Hosting fonts? Good luck! In the beginning was The Word. Then there was Google Fonts Directory. And the Web was so happy to use an alternative to sans-serif that it turned everything upside down. However, we know for long that using CDNized fonts may hurt both the Web and your sites. So the solution is to host font files on your own. Wait… hosting fonts properly is as complex as hosting your images, videos, or any other static resource. Simple in appearance as uploading a file to your server, reality can quickly turn into a nightmare when you try to provide the best resource regarding of the context. Let’s start from what Google Fonts does right (aka providing fonts) and let’s try to understand all the little tricks that will really boost your frontend! A step-by-step investigation, dedicated to the latest neglected area of Web performance: typography.

m4dz 🥑🦄

Presented in French by m4dz 🥑🦄 Tech Evangelist, alwaysdata

m4dz is a “curious pet”. Tech Evangelist at alwaysdata, a Cloud Hosting Provider, he has made security and privacy one of his challenges for the Web. All the technologies are under his radar, to make all the digital players aware of our realities. Chronic optimist, his favourite book will always remain “Alice in Wonderland”.