Our Gold sponsors

E-merchants, solution providers, service providers, they have chosen to support us for the love of UX and Web performance. Without them, there would be no event. Thank you very much!

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Our Gold sponsors

Fasterize is a SaaS solution that automatically speeds up the loading of websites. Fasterize’s optimization engine acts in real time (like a proxy) on the raw page performance, but also on the users’ perception of speed. Quick to set up.

Fasterize your website

When it comes to user experience, speed matters. And delays caused by mobile speed aren’t just frustrating, they can also have a negative impact on business results. Download our new Mobile Site Speed Playbook to explore why speed matters, what it is and how to measure it, and then how to go about speeding up and staying fast.

Learn more about Core Web Vitals

With 10 years of experience in independent webperf audits and in training teams of developers, Jean-Pierre Vincent helps you start your webperf projects or accompanies you along the way.

Learn More